"Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works!"
Psalms 105:2
God calls His people to worship Him. The Music Ministry of East Athens Baptist Church is committed to helping God's people fulfill this call. The mission of the music ministry here at East Athens is to joyfully lead God's people in worship, to educate all age groups in developing their musical gifts, to use music as a tool to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to grow spiritually the body of Christ.
Sanctuary Choir: Rehearsals each Wednesday from 7:50 till 9pm. The Sanctuary Choir is open to adults who feel a call to serve God through the musical gifts He has given them. Our Sanctuary Choir leads in worship each Sunday morning and sings a wide variety of music. In addition to Sunday mornings the Sanctuary Choir presents musicals at various times of the year.
Youth Choir: 7th thru 12th grade. Rehearsals each Sunday at 6pm and leads in worship on selected Sunday mornings and evening worship services. Each year the Youth Choir presents a Christmas and a Spring musical in May.
Young Musicians: 1st thru 6th grade. Rehearsals each Wednesday at 6pm. This choir works with each child to help them grow spiritually and musically and teaches them to explore their gifts, talents, and abilities. This choir sings on selected Sunday mornings throughout the school year and presents a special Christmas and Palm Sunday program.
Handbell Choir: Rehearsal on Sundays from September thru April. This group is for Youth through Adults who want to polish their musical ability and praise God through ringing of bells. This choir rings at various times throughout the year.